Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Miss Irene Lee,

you are really a good teacher. The most kind and caring teacher ever! 4E1 IS GONNA MISS YOU OKAY. T.T

Sad ah, miss lee.... goodbye.

Hello world.

Joyce is very happy and she feels very loved and fortunate to spend her special day with very awesome people. :D And I love all of them to the max.

And Mario my day was good and lucky unlike yours, HAH.

No 2.4 run today, and my amath test was CANCELLED WAHAHAHAHAHA. :DDD And annie and jiaqi kept bullying me during pe! ):

Geog lesson was quite lame ._. But i love where im sitting. :] Yay hahah.

Aft geog, went back to class to give Miss Irene Lee a farewell party. DAMN I AM GONNA MISS HER LIKE CRAZY. It was abit emo, but it was nice too. Sang Auld lang syne while Chairman walked into the class with the cake. So niceeeeeeeee! Miss Lee was super touched lah, can see. Haha. Cut cake, eat cake, took photos, chatchat.

Then aft that out from nowhere jiaqi came into class with another cake! Waaah, then the whole class sang bday song for me >.< Such a suprise! Wasnt expecting it at all. Was really extremely touched! Till I almost cried, because i really feel like crying, but HAH i didnt. Never had such a suprise before. Aaww thankyou sososos very much! I appreciate it ALOT. So happpppyyyyyyy! :D Now im gonna have cake for breadfast.

Many many thanks to Kayfun, Claraw, ClaraA, Wanyi, Bryanesh, Weilun, Jinguang, Gucci, Taufiq, Meiyin, Meizi, JoyceW, Jiaqi, Jiapeng, Chiayi, Weiting and Huixian for the presents. :D

& Joycew, jiaqi, jiapeng and chiayi for the cake and suprise! :D

& also thanks to those who shaked hands and wished me. :]

Hahaha yesssssss i love hugging my new Liverpool cushion!

And also thanks for all the cards. Many long and sincere cards, was moved by it. Yes i love my classmates.

Okay, joyce is very very very very very happy that she has such awesome friends around her. Yes, she feels very blessed. Aand she is gonna sleep with a smile on her face tonight. :]

Thanks Jesus! :D

Hope I can go catch some lizards with the Lizard Catchers tmr aft sch!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What have i been doing during my weekend? Well, nothing much really. Stayed at home, rest, computer, tv. Yup, thats all. Exciting isnt it. xD

Okay, to end my short little post, i've got a phrase which i find it really meaningful. It was on jeremy's facebook status. Nice one.

Life is like soccer, you need goals!

So just for now, my goal is the o lvls! 12 for l1r4 roar.

Facebook is addictive. Hahahah.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Whooo, im saving the earth now! Hahaha. Taking part in Earth Hour. Eh, dont get me wrong k. Even though im online now, i using wireless lappy so im not using any electricity. :D

Friday, March 27, 2009

I dont know whats wrong with my immune system because this is the second time i've been sick this month. Awesome.

Anw, went to watch Confessions Of A Shopaholic on wednesday night with yilin, huiying and matthew. Nice movie! Typical chick flick hahahah. We all at the back laughing like crazy. ;D

Oh ya, i didnt know i made it to the finals for discus! And i went back early so i got disqualified. Lol. HAHAHA.

And i was very late for school yesterday. But i only had to run 5 rounds instead of 8. Wahahah. Mr woon is good manxzx, yeah he is. :]

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

There is no greater love than Yours,
Nothing else could ever compare.
And even if I search all the world,
I will never find a love like Yours.


Term two has started! Which means mid yrs and CHINESE O LVL. D:

Good thing it rained this morning, so i dont have to run 2.4 hahah!

Hmm, sch was great. Had lots of laughters here and there. Hahahah.

Had SC election in the morning, and damn it was hilarious. Jq and I kept commenting on everything till miss chin got irritated of us. But seriously, the speeches were really funny and its good commenting on it. Ahaha.

Oh ya, Lim Meiyin was the PARADE COMMANDER this morning, whoooo! Wah i see her on stage, cannot stop giggling manxzx. Hahahah.

Eng lesson with kf, cy and jp. Tried to speak PROPER english, how about that! And we read/exagerated every group's introduction. Lols. The cling clang piang sound effect was awesome. :]

Ponned amath remedial aft sch since mdm koh was away on course and miss neo like never come. Pray hard she really never go class just now and mark attendance! >.< Or else.. trouble lah.

Shopaholic with cg tmr. I think. Hope heats dont end too late! If not i'll be so stinky in the cinema, HAHA.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is the love I have found,
And with this love I am found.

I needa go jogging!

Gave Anne a suprise last night aft service. :D Hahaha. And celebrated her birthday with all the march babies too.

And last night Jodie and I super happy. ^^ YAY YAY YAY! :D I still rmb we were talking about how manu's players have attitude during dinner, and really! Look at rooney, lol. Still go and look for cheap prostitutes. Hah.

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart?
Last night's service was strong, and I've got to change.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Lets see, its friday already. All i did was bio and a little bit of phy. How screwed am I. Someone motivate me to do homework pls pls pls tyvm.

& Today is Justin weeeee's birthday! Tomorrow is Anne's birthday! Happy happy happy birthday. Hahahah.


I need motivation.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm at jl's house now! Heheheh. Taking a break now, did bio and a little bit of phy and electricity made me crazy.

Before I start blogging, I wanna wish MATTHEW a very happy sweet sixteen birthday! ;D Stay strong in Christ and keep the Faith boy!

Okay, holidayssssss. Monday, went ngee ann poly to help my brother do thing. So I pretended to be a Business Studies student hahah cool right! The helpers there ask me which course im from, i just say im from business studies. LOLOLLL. Its cool being a poly student and carrying a laptop around. Really.

Then meet up with jl @ wheelock cos i wanna go Borders and use my $40 voucher. Bought 2 story books and then went to marks and spencer buy sweets and biscuits. Walked around wisma and homed.

Tues, went Escape theme park with yilina and evelyn. Escape sucks, seriously. All the thrilling rides are GONE. And the BK there got no burgers one lor. The BK there only have chicken and fish burger, -.- You tell me, where got BK no burgers one huh?! And the orange julius nachos no more cheese. Where got eat nachos no cheese one huh?! Lolol. Anws, sat viking ship many times and go-kart was awesome. :]

Yesterday went Sentosa with cell grp. ;D Had a really great fellowship with them. Yay the sun was burning hothothot yesterday amen! Hahah. So finally, i got my tan! Played frisbee, monkey, volley, built wedding cakes (LOL), sand castles, bury ppl, splash water. Hahahah. Oh and, spot extremely good looking angmohs with evelyn HAHA. ;D

Aft that went vivo for dinner at BK (agn). Then went to rooftop, nono, its called SKY PARK yeah jodie! Celebrated matt, justin and my birthday in advance. Cut cake, eat cake, camwhore, home! Oh we all look SOOOOO REDDD in those photos HAHA.

And now my skin is burning!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Glad that it's finally the march holidays! Although it really isn't that much of a holiday since my week is quite packed, nonetheless, im quite thankful for the break after three months of sch and all the hectic stuff thats been happening. Finally no need to wake up at 6am HAH! ;D Sad ah, only for one week... T.T

But of cos, i still cant run away from the never-ending pile of work to do! ): Homeworks are untouched/not yet started! Grrr, this is so frustrating i really hate those friggin homeworks roar.
And finally i can do some real catching up on my sleep! Heheheh. All the late nights and late mornings and animes and gossipgirl. :] All the shoppings and starbucks and outings. Not to forget mugging even though I doubt I’ll mug, its just all talk but no action taken. End result aft hols will be zero productivity, ALWAYS. Then when Sunday comes I’ll be wondering what the heck I’ve been doing during the hols. I just cant make full use of the wonderful time given to me! ): And I really have to start worrying for myself cos o’s are coming. >.< Scary!

IT fair has really great comp games at GREAT prices! ;D Bought Grand Theft Auto and Far Cry. But sad ah, cant find l4d! ): Shall funan or simlim sometime this week. So yeah, bought 4 comp games in all this weekend. And I don’t care if gta is a game banned in thailand or its M18, that game is gooooood. :] And it seems that alot of underaged ppl are playing it too, right? Ahahahah.

Yeah, all 4 us wore our liverpool jersey just now, and we felt gooooood. No, not just good, but awesome. Shiok manxzxzx. xD Hahahah.

My blog’s been really wordy, so I shall end it with a picture taken long long ago! ;D

Alright bye people!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Had a really great night with isnefamily @ darren's house. Sleepover and match was awesome.

&Joyce is happy.



1-4, nice one. :]

Yay jodie we're gonna celebrate their victory together wheeeee! Ytd @ church brendon still call us "liverpool losers". Lol. Aft dinner with cell grp chionged to darren's house. And I missed the first 2 minutes of match. Lolol.

Once aurelio scored, "my coke and ruffles tasted like heaven" hahah quoted from JoyceL. And then I can see all the manu ppl &^%$#@! And all the liverpools were like screaming for joy. Hahaha. Jonathan and daryl didnt sleepover cos they wanna go home and emo. ._. Anws, aft match played monopoly and poker and wii then sleep @ around 3am. Auntie and uncle joined us too, so cool!

Ahahah joyce tan manu loseeee! :P

But they are still leading by 4 points. ):

Friday, March 13, 2009

Didn't go sch today. Had fever last night, so didnt set alarm clock hahaha. And i thought that i can wake up late this morning but my mum woke me up at like, 6.30 call me go sch -.- Then i say i sick cannot go sch but she still dont believe me! ): So, i had to go downstairs and find a thermometer and take my temperature to prove to her that i got fever. Then she like, zzzz. HAHAHA.

Yay finally use the $250 popular voucher from the book prize thingy. Gave it to my brother this morning to buy computer games. Whoooooo. Bought Devil May Cry 4 and Call Of Duty. Popular dont sell l4d! ): Lol, i know mr tharman wants us to use the popular vouchers to buy books but heck, i think its more worth to buy games. Tried playing abit of Devil May Cry, and whoo, the graphics is STYLO one k. Hahahah.

Finally i see the HOLINESS of my brother's laptop and now i understand why after more than 50% discount its still 2k. Because its a laptop meant for gaming! 4g ramp, and the graphic card is zai manxzx. And now his laptop got more games than my desktop. Arghhhhh. I gotta use more of his laptop before he starts poly! But vista still sucks.

Theory exam tmr! Scared, nervous, arggghhhh! So many italian terms and german terms to memorize! ):

K off to playyyyyyyyyyyy~ ;D

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watched american idol s8 yesterday on starworld. And one person melted my heart...


Oh man im going crazy over him i keep looking at his videos on youtube. ^.^

Anw, had fun after sch with kayfun and claraw. Managed to complete amaths and eng hol homework. After that slack around and sing songs(lol!) and MAKE VIDEOS. LOL. Made 2 videos, one singing and the other dancing. Hahahah. We went crazy and kept laughing like &^%$#@! Had so much fun with them. Heheheh! :D

YESSSSSS sleepover @ darren's house with isnefamily this sat for MANU LIVERPOOL match AAHHHHHHHH. Gonna be so exciting! LIVERPOOL GO GO LIVERPOOL. :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lpool 4-0 real madrid! :D and juventus 2-2 chelsea.

Woke up at 3.45am to watch match with isnefamily. I tell them that I wanted to wake up at 4 cos i wanna sleep a lil bit more but jonathan called me @ 3.45am tell me call darren's phone zzz! Wapiang all so enthu wake up so early. Lol. I am deprived of sleep!

So conf on phone with isnefamily throughout match and oh it was hilarious! Crap talks. Whoooo. Kimberly's laughter is NICE one okay! ^.^ And JoyceL's chinese is really POWER lah more POWER than cheena manxzx (sarcastic tone).

Yay SET tonight conf agn during manu and inter match. Brendon manu will LOSE and you'll not get your omnia! HAHA. Jk jk. You'll still get your omnia la, but manu cant win! If not no more b&j's from jon. ):

Hahaha im earning $$$ in sch too from all the bettings with kayfun and weilun whoooo. :D Kayfun lost alot of $$$ sia. And i never lose in a single bet before MUAHAHA.

Bio test just now. Seriously i dont understand our reproduction system its too cheem.

Brother bought his laptop this morning @ ngee ann poly fair. Dk what laptop is that also. Rather spend $400 more and get a vaio more better right! Aiyoh.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Guess what people!

I got a B3 for chinese CT somebody say Amen! :D

Wuhooooooooooooo! First time in my ENTIRE SECONDARY SCH LIFE sia! Nver gotten so high before. Its always either FAIL or c6. Not even a c5 or b4. But this time B3!! Amen! I know this paper was easy but i dont care. B3 FOR CHINESE is a huge matter to me. YAY! :D Break record alr hahahahah.

I see hope in chinese now, I really do! Yes, I got the motivation to do well in chinese now HAHAHA.

Heats postponed. Hanged out @ jp aft sch. And home.

K later conf w insefam. Yayyyyyyy i'm gonna train my mouth muscles agn. Rofl.

Oh and, new skin.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

HRC ytd! Met atc/stc/npap friends there! :D And asdf it rained so heavily we got stuck @ ubin for like, 2 hours, waiting under the shelter for the rain to stop so that we can sit boat back to singapore. Anws, atleast the flying fox was shiok enough ahahah. Jump down from 7 storeys high together with guekchee yo! ;D Songbo.

Went to take dunno what book prize this morning. Chey, $250 popular voucher and a story book only. ._. I want the spark-an-idea prize lah! They got sony cybershot cameras and THAT 16GB IPOD TOUCH WTH. So good right.

Then met up with siying cos she wanna return me Twilight and Newmoon before going for piano lesson. Teacher teach me new song. Kiss the rain - yiruma! So niceeeee. I hear my teacher play until want cry manxzxzx. The song like so sad hahah. Theory exam this coming saturday! D: Oh no I have to start learning those italiano words. ._. Roar.

Sports heats tmr. Hahahah. Hope I can throw properly. LOL.


Holidays must do the 3S k matt! Study, Shopping & Starbucks! Whooooo.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Its been a long time since I last blogged. Been busy facebooking and doing some other stuffs heheheh. xD

Lets see if there's anything worth blogging bout my week... Hmm..

OHYA. Had discipleship @ starbucks last sunday with yilin! Discipleship @ starbucks is really cool man. :D Hahahah.

No bio on monday, so went for eng remedial for the very first time and got tortured by teacher. How nice.

No maths remedial on tue so went kfc after sch with my, mz, my, joycet, annie and zahirah. Then annie showed us this superduperextremely hilarious video that was taken in class HAHAHAH goshhhhh, made all of us laugh like siao gina and we laughed till so loud everyone @ kfc was looking at us >.> Our class the guys really very funny sial!

Had Who Has The Biggest Brain comp on thur! But first, stayed back @ library to use the touch screen comp with clara and gucci and played pet society. HAHAHA. The pet society freakos. Kept exchanging jukeboxes. And junkai so generous lahhhh. We raid his whole house HAHAHA. Comp was funny! See all the ppl so stress, LOLOLOLLLL. The sec 4s were dominating. Hohoho!

YES no training nxt week! And I heard we're going to Perth in june?

Time for some pictures.

Bukit Timah hill, on saturday.

Nice right, the cloud fall from the sky. Lol thats what sy said when she saw this.

Bday celebration aft service.

OUR HARD WORK. Ok, most credits go to matt cos he finish it up.

This pic was taken like, so long ago! On valentines day. I uploaded this pic cos tingzhe and I were talking about ROSES on msn till like super funny and I remembered the rose justin gave LOLOLLLL. Haven reach hone the rose die alr. Lol!

See I had to hold the rose upsidedown!

Yay, HRC tmr! Its not Hard Rock Cafe (according to mr fadzel), it stands for something else much cooler. Heheheh. Hope the weather's good. Get ready for sunburns! D:



I live by Faith, not by sight. :]

Joyce Goh

Create Your Badge

Before I die, I must travel to Paris, Maldives and the Himalayas.


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